Best quotes from George R.R. Martin

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”

“Bran thought about it. ‘Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?’
‘That is the only time a man can be brave,’ his father told him.”

“I am surrounded by flatterers and fools. It can drive a man to madness,.. . Half of them don’t dare tell me the truth, and the other half can’t find it.”

“We all need to be mocked from time to time Dear sir lest we start to take ourselves too seriously.”

Something is wrong with India?

1.The country with third highest porn viewers.

Talking about sex is a taboo.

2. Racing towards a 1.5 billion population.

Judged for buying Condoms.

3. Female deities are worshipped.

A female child is killed.

4. Don’t talk to boys before marriage.

Sleep with the stranger we choose for you.

5. We want Oscar award-winning Indian actors.

We only buy tickets for masala movies of Salman Bhai, not Rajkumar Rao.

6. Almost every Indian has a personal mobile phone.

But 60% of the population doesn’t have access to toilets.

7. Sportspersons are forgotten.

Actors playing them on screen are recognized.

Rich man’s Regret!

Today, I met a powerful businessman who is worth 100 million dollars.

In a conversation, he told me he regretted never making it to his son’s hockey games or his daughter’s dance recitals.

It made me smile because my dad is probably only worth as much as this man’s last paycheck, but he made it to everything.

Nostalgic Powercuts – So many connections but no conversations!

You’re at home, with family watching TV.

It’s raining heavily outside.

And suddenly the lights go off. You don’t own an inverter.

You hunt for a candle with your torch.

You go and light a candle and place it on the table in the middle of the room.

Your mobile battery is low, and it dies out.

And the room comes alive with conversations, of old times. Of the days without electricity. Of our childhood. Of the days of a blackout.

Chatting with your parents, friends, and family on a day without electricity, with no work hassles pressing on you, just pure unadulterated conversation involving all sorts of topics, ghost stories etc..

You don’t get to chat like that these days, do you?

Most Underrated Pleasure Today!

Imagine this.

You are D.

D wakes up at 6:30 am, brushes his teeth, takes a shower, eats breakfast, drives to work, finishes up at 5 pm, drives home, watches a little telly, eats dinner, reads a book, and goes to sleep.

See anything wrong with D’s day? No?

How about the fact D didn’t wake up to a blaring alarm in his clock or phone, Snooze mode it for 5-6 times, then frustratingly turn it off and go back to sleep thereby winding up late for work – only to have a flat tire on the way or get caught up with a traffic police for speeding or coz of your recently expired vehicle insurance. D didn’t get reprimanded by his boss but told him to stay overtime. D didn’t have to finally leave his workplace around 7 pm, take a taxi over to the that garage Tire Repair Service to collect his car/bike, only to realize he left his wallet at home, and D didn’t finally roll into his driveway to pack at 10 pm just in time to watch in horror as his house burned down because he left the gas on!

In the rat race of achieving everything that we want and to be on the top always, we often miss out on the little things that would give us much more happiness and pleasure that other BIG stuff. We usually think that retail therapy or listening to music or talking to a friend would soothe us all the time, while these are true to every extent, but what we must consider are the tiny things that give us sheer pleasure. And the best part is that these are from our every day normal lives.

Now the question again…What’s the most underrated pleasure, today?

A normal F**kin day!